I'm Spektacle

I make things

I consider myself a 3D Artist and a very mediocre programmer
Currently a first-year in college on the path to get a Computer Science B.S

Stuff I Made

99% of this stuff was made completely in Blender. I only enter GIMP to watermark my work.

Ongoing Projects

Project Elohim

Working in blender, Project Elohim allows me to learn more about environment design. I've always wanted to make environments that look somewhat convincing, so I decided to learn more. Project Elohim is any render of an environment that I've made.

Journey Milestones

Minecraft mod to allow for more dramatic effect when the player reaches milestones such as surviving the first night. Original music will play to fit the mood while the player camera gets cinematic overlays with milestone information.

More About Me

I do alot of random stuff; mostly I create renders in Blender, and code stuff like this website.
I discovered Blender in early 2018 and followed the well-known "Donut Tutorial". Yes, it's as good as it's cracked up to be.
I also play some games, like osu! and Minecraft. I watch alot of anime as well, although more important stuff always comes first.

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